Fcebook face-lifts News Feed
This article has been written by Valeria Prencipe, Intern at our PRGN partner agency Landis Communications Inc. based in San Francisco, California.
On March 7th, Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced that News Feed, one of the main pillars of its social network, will undergo radical changes. Some reasons behind the innovation include the desire to remain hip, especially when users are on the decline and to satisfy the public’s short attention span. So with a big focus on photography, Facebook has decided to bet on their “visual gallery” to create an amazing user experience.
What are the New Changes?
The new Facebook News Feed is designed to reduce clutter and focus more on stories from the people you care about.
They’re hoping to achieve these goals by implementing the following features:
- Photos, news articles, maps and events will look brighter and more beautiful
- Photos posted by friends and albums will appear larger, spanning the width of the News Feed
- Photo albums will also appear larger
- Shared articles and events will feature larger images with more information like snippets about the author
- There will be special feeds for best friends, music, photos and games
- They’ve also added a Following Feed that lists posts from the brands, pages and public figures a user follows in chronological order like a social network newspaper
What are the Benefits for Business People and PR Pros?
First off, ads and the “like page” button will be bigger so people will be more likely to click on them. Secondly, articles will appear in a format similar to a well-curated magazine. That means images accompanying articles will be displayed along with a description. Business logos will be given more prominence as well. Thirdly, when a friend checks into a business or a store on Facebook, his or her other friends will see a larger map in their News Feed and additional information regarding the business or place. Lastly, thanks to the Following Feed there will be more engagement opportunities since brand content can appear in multiple feeds.
The changes have already been rolling out and if you’re one of the lucky ones already experiencing News Feed’s new look, we want to hear from you. Please leave a comment below or contact me at valeria@landispr.com.
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